Based on some emails received by the board, a series of rumors and/or misinformation was spread concerning the board meeting which occurred on Tuesday, October 12. In the light of transparency and accuracy, we would like to address and correct these divisive errors. The board minutes were posted to the website if you would like to read them.
1. No members of the Road Committee were available for the meeting. When the topic of the budget was brought up, an example to illustrate the extreme costs involved with working on the roads was provided. It has been mentioned several times to the board that materials have to be brought in or working on the roads is pointless, but no quotes have ever been provided to the board for additional material costs. A board member brought up the fact it could cost roughly $1.8 million in materials alone to bring the roads close to the county road specs required in the Subdivision Regulations sent to the board, due to the amount of gravel the county requires. If you just took a random fraction of that at six (6) inches of gravel it could cost roughly $118,000 for the nearly 11 miles of road in the ranch - material cost only. With our budget, we can only afford a considerably smaller amount of gravel, so identifying where and how much is important for the spring quotes. These were discussion points only; at no time did any board members suggest the HOA should act on these options because they are unrealistic.
2. No motions were made regarding roads, nor was there intent to make a motion, as no one from the road committee was in attendance. The purpose of the board bringing it up is to emphasize the Road Committee’s need to research what can be done to maximize effect based on the budget available to the HOA.
3. The board stated, with the results of the survey, we have a direction for the sign. We would get quotes for that version of the sign as well as a quote for the cost to repair the rock wall. However, in light of the potential cost to the HOA for road work mentioned above, the board will present the final cost as a budgetary line option for the HOA members to vote on at the annual meeting. The board will not be making a motion for the expense outside the annual budget proposal, due to the potential impact of the road budget.
4. The board stated we would not be spending any HOA dues money on attorney fees as the survey of HOA members did not result in enough interest to warrant any further effort or expenditure on it.
5. The only expenditure motioned and authorized at the meeting was the cost associated with obtaining an HOA Zoom account in order to allow everyone to attend meetings. This is a cost of $149.90 annually.
6. A board member mentioned the current rate of dues did not seem to be an effective amount toward maintaining roads. The board member continued, stating they did not feel the current board should take action on this, but it was something for future boards to consider. No motion was made or even discussed at the meeting to take any action related to the cost of dues. This was a point of discussion only.
The volunteer board continues to work toward positive stewardship of HOA funds and to present a realistic and effective approach to road maintenance. It is unfortunate information has been misconstrued to inaccurate representations of board meetings that are open to all HOA members. We would like to encourage HOA members to attend these monthly meetings - held at 6:30 pm MST every second Tuesday of the month - to hear for themselves what is being said.
Additionally, minutes for all monthly board meetings are posted on the HOA website. We would encourage all HOA members to review minutes and participate in surveys. Feedback from all members is important information for the board to make wise financial decisions to benefit all neighbors.
Your volunteer board.